We cordially invite you to the first Sai Shakti Festival on the weekend of May the 5rd to the 7th, 2023, the Full Moon of Buddha Purnima.
Venue for the event is House Fürstenberg, Xanten. www.xanten-retreat.com
The Sai Shakti Stiftung was founded a year ago, and we would like to take this first annual festival as an opportunity to highlight the activities of the Stiftung. Workshops, seminars and therapy sessions are planned, with the existing team and beyond. The festival will include music performances, as well as information stands on holistic topics, sustainability and rising consciousness. There will be an opportunity to taste some delicious vegetarian and vegan products during the weekend.
If you need more information regarding the Sai Shakti Festival, please contact us at info@saishaktistiftung.org
We will be very happy to answer all your questions.